Thursday, April 12, 2018

VIM cheat sheet

Basic basics :)
i - start editing, current symbol
a - start editing, next symbol
Esc - stop editing
:w - write to disk
:w <filename> - write to specified file
:q - quit vim
:wq - write and quit

Extended basics
dd - remove line
dw - remove word
d10d - remove 10 lines
d10w - remove 10 words
d100d - I think you catch it
yy - copy line
pp - paste on next line

More useful things
:%s/<source text>/<replace with this>/g - search and replace all text occurances.
:g/^$/d - delete empty lines

VIM cheat sheet

Basic basics :) i - start editing, current symbol a - start editing, next symbol Esc - stop editing :w - write to disk :w <filename> -...