Thursday, July 9, 2015

xmeye ip webcam and VLC

Xmeye, rtsp url settings for webcams or surveillance software

In VLC player we need to "Open Network Stream".
Add: rtsp://<ip_cam_address>:554/user=<username>&password=<password>&channel=1&stream=0.sdp

Xmeye website, just in case.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

i2c memo

This is a tiny memo on "how does i2c work"

There will be no complex explanations, just basic stuff.
Most of this information can be found in the web.


History and origin

Basically we don't care, but for sake of clarity I have to mention, that i2c really is IIC which means Inter-Integrated circuit. Why do we care? Because this brings in length and line quality limitations. Sometimes we can extend this limits, but most of the time it's better to obey official reference documentation.

Monday, May 25, 2015

PX4 + MKBL ESC: PX4 software stack

Mikrokopter i2c ESC - Electronic speed controller, i2c bus

PX4 with native software and MKBL ESC

Here will be summary of how to enable PX4 i2c ESC support. (well, at least we will try. Master Yoda would not appreciate it, but never the less). 


All information in this blog is for personal use only.
I do not deny it's use in educational purposes, but be aware, that you are using all the information found here on your own risk!

PX4FMU + PX4IO + i2c MKBL ESC + PX4FLOW + ArduCopter

"It IS pretty difficult task to make horse bark" - p0rc0_r0ss0

Here I will try to accumulate knowledge on how to make all this tough and expensive hardware make worth money spent.
The road will be long and no one knows where would it lead, but we'll see.

/!\ IMPORTANT! Also see this newer article over here:
Contents of this article give additional information on PX4 + ArduCopter firmware setup.

First things first. Introductions.
  • PX4FMU - is "head" controller module made by Pixhawk guys.
    Key features: Large set of sensors, "all in one" 4 x PWM output style, with no standard servo plugs, powerful CPU, USB port.
  • PX4IO - is extension board which provides expansion up to 8 x PWM outputs, lots of relays and ports, PPM and S-Bus plugs, has it's own BEC.
  • PX4FLOW - is optical sensor with pretty powerful CPU and gyro sensor onboard. As result gives heading vector to FMU.
    Optionally can be equipped with sonar.
  • MKBL ESC - electronic speed controllers used in Mikrokpter project.
    Features: i2c and PWM control input.
  • ArduCopter - is OpenSource drone platform which incorporates virtually any type of vehicle. In this particular case we are talking about Copter branch.


All information in this blog is for personal use only.

I do not deny it's use in educational purposes, but be aware, that you are using all the information found here on your own risk!


Wandboard DL - iMX6

I'm a common developer who bought Wandboard (WB) Duo by accident, and now I'm trying to sort things out on "how does it works". Basically I'm creating this because I got tired of searching forum "where have I posted/seen that information", if it helps you out I see no reason why not to say thanx :)
On this page I'll try to make collection of links on "bring to life" process.
I will keep this page as informative as possible, so be advise it is NOT RECOMMENDED SKIPPING PARTS of this document. All this information is important for your board to work.

VIM cheat sheet

Basic basics :) i - start editing, current symbol a - start editing, next symbol Esc - stop editing :w - write to disk :w <filename> -...