Friday, July 14, 2017

Usefull atom/brackets extensions.

Quick memo on useful extensions for editor.
  • emmet - code automatic completion/generations
  • highlight selected - very comfy feature. Like in NPP.
  • color-picker - lets choose color from palette
  • minimap ?! - looks like pretty neat plugin, but it will take screen space. I'll leave it alone for now. 
  • file-icons - icons for every file type
  • linter + linter-css, php, js, html

  • remote-edit - for server side edititng.
  • pigments - to colorize #FFAABB notation in code

For fun:
  • asteroids ?! 0_o - this is like "when programmer has nothing else to do"

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VIM cheat sheet

Basic basics :) i - start editing, current symbol a - start editing, next symbol Esc - stop editing :w - write to disk :w <filename> -...